Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sad tideings in the land of Rosie

I have to type this fast cos i have to go and cook dinner (grrrr arg).

On tuesday morning mum took Honey (our chook) to the vets. They called us Wednesday morning, she died early that morning. Mum and i went and picked her up from the vets to take her home to bury her. When we came back Peter told us that a neighbours dog had escaped and killed Scruffy and Ember(2 of our guineapigs). It had totally ripped one side off the guineapigs cage trying to get them. It was literally the worst day of my life. Mum and i went to talk 2 the guy who owned the dog and basically took no responsibility for what HIS dog had done at all. He didnt give a shit. He said at one point "what are u so upset about? They were only guineapigs."

Up untill that point i was willing to accept that the guy was just an ass wipe, but after he said that my mum went silent. I, on the other hand didnt. I yelled and i swore at the fucker. Mum had to drag me away from the guy and peter had heard me yelling from across the street and wanted to see what was going on. He said he'd never seen me so cranky before. If the guy hadnt been on the other side of the fence i would have punched him. Seriously. I am not joking or trying to look good in front of my friends. I. Would. Have. Punched. Him. Sure he is taller than me and is about 27 years old, but i still would have punched him.

So break out the chocolate Rosie's in mourning and needs some serious cheering up.



Blogger Mrah'Sponagi said...


Control your anger. It's an unfortunate thing that the dog ripped apart your gpigs, but it is not the owner's fault for the dogs action. Even if it was his cause for letting the dog loose.

1:44 AM  
Blogger Shaddowdove said...

yeah but how u feel if it was ur pet that died and ur neighbours dog who did it. And his responce wasnt "im sorry for what my dog did" but "Oh well it was just a pet". wouldnt u be pissed off? or cranky?

2:27 AM  
Blogger Mrah'Sponagi said...

Just a pet ey?

Would you be willing to exact vengeance by slaying his dog accross his lawn, and smear the blood on his windows, and finally throwing the dog through the door. In counter, you can just say, oh well, it was just your lawn, dog, clean window and door...

8:29 PM  

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