Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tara Sucks Balls

Tara u suck u got me sick *sniffles* i have a bad headache and im so gonna kill you when i see u next... unless u bribe me with chocolate, cookies and alcohol. Please please dear God i need chocolate...urg


Saturday, August 26, 2006

We All Fall Down

Hey all another update for everyone about the awesome weekend that we have just had.
Friday i took the day off and went out with Andy and her car broke down on the way to pick up Sash and Rhyan and we had to wait to get it towed but on the plus side we met up with 2 other friends i havent seen in ages while we were waiting. I caught a lift to Rhyan's house and stayed the night :D then Rhyan went to Band practice while i went to Aus fair and Time Zone in Surfers with a bunch of friends. Sooooooooo much fun. Anyway we all decided to have a few drinks so we went back to my place and played the 64 while we waited for Rhyan to finish practice. We went to pick him up but drove up the wrong driveway Funny as. oh well sue me the last time i was there i was tipsy ok? Anyway then we went back to Rhyan's house and had dinner and drink some booze we bought. Yum. I had 5 shots of Vodka and i was gone. I didnt realise i was that drunk untill i tried to stand. All i can say is thankyou Rhyan, your the BEST boyfriend ever!!! Thanks for the piggy back rides to the loo (even if it was part of a dare from earlier) and thanks for stopping me from drinking anymore. *laughs and shakes fist at tara* You suck tara for trying to give me alcohol poisoning by tricking me into drinking more (once again thanks Rhyan for saving me) and im still waiting for my cookies.

Wish the weekend could have lasted longer.... hmmm maybe we can do it again soon. Perhaps without me having so many shots of Vodka.... or not. Everything felt so much fun and happy. damn reality.

Untill next time,

Saturday, August 19, 2006

isnt something missing? isnt someone missing me?

Well i have happy news but im not really sure what it is :P im happy and i dont know why and just for those of you who are wondering no i havent had any alcohol or drugs of any sort. desufnoC? so am i so dont worry about it.
Yes yes the title for this entry is yet again more lyrics and hold no bearing to anything execpt for the fact that im listening to it now. It called Missing, by you guessed it Evanescence.

Ive finally finished my assignments for tafe thankgod. considering the lady is coming tomorro to collect them from me, so im hoping that i havent stuffed them up in any way. if i have...oh well serves me right i guess. I have to study more on the weekends, i dont like leaving things untill the last minute, it adds unnesissary stress.

Hmmm im going shopping on tuesday and buying some stuff... watch batteries cos both mums watch and mine have died, some hair dye cos im going to re-dye my hair (RED RED RED) and some clothes and the NEW EVANESCENCE CD cos they rule, and some chocolate :) of ocurse never forget the chocolate.

What else havent i said? umm oh yeah me and rhy and andy and matty went to see Miami Vice the movie and it SUCKED. like 2 1/2 hours of complete boredom. oh well u win some u loose some i guess. Just before i go id like to say, goodluck to Andy and JAzz with your assignment which i helped u film, yes i know i cant hold the damn video camera still but anyway. Good luck to Matty with all of your work for Uni hopefully u get it all done so u can come out to play with us more often while still getting good grades. And finally Good luck and have fun to my Rhyan who is going to fly down to a once in a life time art show for a few days. Hope u have fun guys, i'll see u all again soon!!


Friday, August 11, 2006

A New Beginning

Today mum repaired the guineapigs cage. It didnt feel right having an empty cage on the lawn. Especially with one side ripped off. We burried the girls on wednesday Honey is buried with Ginger (our other chicken that died)out the back of the house and Scruffy and Ember are buried with Tex and Adelaide in the front garden. Which is kind of nice, that even in the end they are together.

This is an update of how my little babies are doing after wednesdays attack. Speckle and Rocket are doing ok. They keep wandering around their pen making little keening sounds wondering where their friend has gone tho :(

I put pipsqueak (the lone survivor from the cage that got attacked) in with the other cage which has pepper and silky in it. But they kept bashing her up and stuff. So we gave her a new beginning by getting two friends for her so she wouldnt pine and die which can and has happened before. Her 2 new friends are Smudge (named by mum) who is white with dark ears and forefeet, has pink eyes, a cut in her left ear and has an extra toe on her back feet (guineapigs have 3 back feet, Smudge has 4). Midnight (or night) is obviously black with a patch of white/blonde hair on her right(?) side which is the same colour as the moon when its full.

*smiles sadly* i miss my girls and i wish they were still here with me...My thoughts go out to all our little loved ones who have passed on.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sad tideings in the land of Rosie

I have to type this fast cos i have to go and cook dinner (grrrr arg).

On tuesday morning mum took Honey (our chook) to the vets. They called us Wednesday morning, she died early that morning. Mum and i went and picked her up from the vets to take her home to bury her. When we came back Peter told us that a neighbours dog had escaped and killed Scruffy and Ember(2 of our guineapigs). It had totally ripped one side off the guineapigs cage trying to get them. It was literally the worst day of my life. Mum and i went to talk 2 the guy who owned the dog and basically took no responsibility for what HIS dog had done at all. He didnt give a shit. He said at one point "what are u so upset about? They were only guineapigs."

Up untill that point i was willing to accept that the guy was just an ass wipe, but after he said that my mum went silent. I, on the other hand didnt. I yelled and i swore at the fucker. Mum had to drag me away from the guy and peter had heard me yelling from across the street and wanted to see what was going on. He said he'd never seen me so cranky before. If the guy hadnt been on the other side of the fence i would have punched him. Seriously. I am not joking or trying to look good in front of my friends. I. Would. Have. Punched. Him. Sure he is taller than me and is about 27 years old, but i still would have punched him.

So break out the chocolate Rosie's in mourning and needs some serious cheering up.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

La la la la

Well a another quick update cos my internet is stuffing up.
Ice skating didnt turn out so well cos everyone but me and Rhy couldnt get there cos of work (u all suck :P) so we can go next week if u want to or there is a movie on that sounds good but i cant remember what it was called. Shit happends i guess. GUESS WHAT??!!! NExt week end Rhy and i will officially have been going out for 3 months.3 MONTHS!!! time has passed so very quickly.

Oh and the pirate party was this saturday and it was fun!! :D go my 'slut' boots as they were called. Ummmmm have to go urg update laters
