Saturday, June 24, 2006

My sweet vampiric Rose... watch out it bites

Well i have returned yet again to annoy and confuse those who mistakenly read this page.

The past few days have been relly hectic and tiring for me. worked 9-5 for 3 days then did a massive 8-645 day. totally screwed me over. Then made it worse by going out to the movies with my mates and didnt get home untill 2 am. I was beyond tired. I was exhausted. yes people there is a difference. if im tired, im sleepy. If im exhausted i am so tired that i go hyper and do stupid things like jumping in every puddle i see and start doing sexy danceing in the lobby of the movie theater. i would also like to add at this point that the majority of my friends suck cos they didnt come to the movies. Only 2 people came and im really bummed out about it. So now u all suck, yes even YOU who actually had a legit reason not to come. And Jazzy sucks even more cos she gave me the wrong addy for her blog site and i had to get it off Mrah'Sponagi. For those of you who are interested its...

and its an awesome site and full of the random goodness that we all love and crave so much. My other friend (yes it seems like a have alot but i dont really) has just started a blog site as well for her story which is based on REAL people. No im not saying that im really a witch and that zombies and vampires and evles are real and walking around and just happen to be my best friends. But the.... oh what the hell... u know what im talking about. Just read the damn thing cos its awesome. Heres the site B4 i forget....

what else happened? *thinks* well Rhyan was supposed to pick me up today at 1030 but was late (for some reasons which im too lazy to type here) which was ok considering i didnt actually wake up untill 1015. So yes rhyan ITS OK that u were late, its actually damn good timing if u ask me. Plus i FINALLY saw Interview with a Vampire on DVD and the book was heaps better...what other movies did i see.... i cant remember now. But i found out that despite the fact ive never played ping pong seriously b4 im actually pretty good at it. I would like to say that i kicked Rhyan's ass at it but i cant or i would be MASSIVELY lying. I seemed to hit all the really difficult shots well but messed up the easy ones. See i TOLD you people there IS something WRONG with me. I am a NUT JOB and damn proud of it & to that guy on MSN who thought my name was 'Ali' youre a fucking wanker and yes im proud of being a mental case.

And Andrea youre a crazy nut to for staying a wake for so long.ummm what else.....?
oh yeah Queen of the Damned soundtrack & the Used ROCK MY WORLD!!!!! There it has been said. jeez its almost midnight and im surprised that im still awake.... or maybe not considering the 4 or 5 cans of coke ive had. I mean coke the drink, not coke the drug. Cos drugs suck unless its panadol,codine,cough syprip, or cold and flu tablets. Or a multi vitamin all of which i need to survive on a daily basis. ha ha ha.... wait, thats bad. *shrugs* o well no ones perfect. talk 2 u all later!



Blogger Mrah'Sponagi said...

Nothing wrong with coke.... The drug that is.. Oh wait, no.. I'm getting these mixed up.

*yawn* midnights are really bad.. Even worse when you have spent the last 3 days or so staying up to 1am..

Oh golly.

Exhausted huh? hehe.

Ping pong isn't that hard.. you just hit the ball into the big square in a way that the other player can't hit it.. read: hit the ball into their chest for instant win.

7:23 AM  

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